
Career experience 为 youth globally

What is 青年机遇敲门?

为不同的年轻人提供带薪实习和学生工作学习,以增加信心, skills and job readiness with potential 为 long-term careers.

我们近一半的高管都是从高中毕业就在稽查员的入门级职位开始他们的职业生涯的, 稽查员于2008年正式成立了青年机遇敲门,为全球青年提供职业机会.

To learn more in为mation on 机会敲门 为 青春, 填妥此表格.

“作为一个年轻人,我得到了一个意义深远的机会,这就是我们通过我们的项目提供的. 成为年轻人成功的一部分很有吸引力,在商业方面也很聪明. 后勤工作需要提高十大正规买球平台技能和批判性思维. 积极主动地培养十大正规买球平台人才对双方来说都是一种明确而富有同情心的胜利."

何塞Ubeda, Senior Vice President of Digital Solutions



  • Founded in 2008 by executive leadership
  • Participation in 50 offices across 7 countries
  • 克里斯多雷学校网络最广泛的企业合作伙伴,服务98%的有色人种学生
  • 被毕业生生活和克里斯多雷网络评为“班级最佳”课程


  • 年龄在16 - 24
  • 良好的态度
  • Curious, energetic with a good work ethic
  • Open to consistent feedback and learning opportunities



机会敲门 为 Youth is an integral part of our social responsibility program. The idea stemmed from our company culture, with unlimited opportunity and tangible benefits 为 the individual, 我们的企业和我们的社区.

我们相信,我们每个人都可以通过投资技能来产生巨大的影响, knowledge and professionalism we already have, 成为青年才俊. 年轻人获得了基本技能, 十大正规买球平台知识和专业经验可以增加职业成功,同时提高员工敬业度和工作满意度.


机会敲门 为 Youth internships promote and increase visibility and access to trade, 供应链和物流十大正规买球平台. 积极主动的机会安置在多样化的人才面前,为年轻人打开了通往成功的新职业道路的大门. 我们很自豪能够为我们的年轻人的成功做出贡献,并通过增加我们的人才管道解决方案而受益. See the benefits section below 为 a list of shared value outcomes.


Skill and Confidence Building Internships
The 稽查员 branch determines a paid, 兼职服务期限, (typically 6 months); with consideration 为 long term employment. The internship pursues basic skill development, providing a real work job description 为 entry level internship positions.

稽查员当地地区办事处与支持或提供基本实习准备的当地青年组织合作. The ideal partner provides interview candidates in a timely manner, 包括简历创建支持, 采访实践, professionalism and customer service principles training.

来自当地非营利组织的候选人将接受面试并提供反馈, to provide a professional experience and to build confidence, 不管面试结果如何. 被选中的实习生要接受背景调查,并在一个有期望和支持发展目标的团队环境中工作.

Mentoring and Preparation 为 the Future
Interns gain professional experience through daily team interaction, 每周业绩反馈, practical development opportunities and professional success tips. Training is available in customer service, 通过指导和内部计算机课程进行沟通和十大正规买球平台培训. Tips on resume building and further development are also available.


机会敲门  青年是稽查员的内部伞状项目,用于我们的青年实习工作, student work-studies and apprenticeships. This program comes from many “opportunity knocks” stories, is rooted in our culture of “hire 为 attitude, train 为 skill” and our practice of promotion from within.

创始人:Dan Wall, 现任全球服务总裁, Dan started as an average student in high school. In his words, "you can’t get any more average than I was." Without the finances or interest to attend college, 他高中毕业后的计划是跟随父亲的脚步,成为一名卡车司机. Being too young at the time, Dan pursued a position at 稽查员. 蒂姆·巴伯, now Executive Vice President of 稽查员 Europe, gave him an opportunity as a document runner.

With a great desire to excel Dan was quickly promoted to an office position. 他是公司文化的典范,这种文化至今仍闪耀着光芒. 许多员工指导丹,教他基本的十大正规买球平台和商业礼仪. 他通过努力工作和机会在领导地位上上升,并获得了在美国西雅图大学获得大学学位的机会. 丹的顶点项目是我们的“机遇之门”项目.

何塞Ubeda, 数字解决方案高级副总裁和另一个机会敲门的故事, started at 稽查员 at seventeen years old in San Francisco. He has been the executive champion of Opportunity 为 2015年至今. 机会敲门  Youth与20多家非营利组织和学校合作寻找候选人,并为7个国家50个城市的700多名年轻人提供了机会.


机会敲门 为 Youth meets social responsibility, 人才管道, 以及员工敬业度目标. 这是一个共享价值项目,有利于实习生,指导员工,企业和社区.


  • 扩大视野 happens from seeing new worlds of possibilities through opportunity.
  • 导师 提供必要的输入,以填补过去的空白和现在需要的指导.
  • 职业意识 opens the mind to how talents can be connected 为 mutual benefit.
  • 技能培训 and professional experience provides a fountain to build upon.
  • 网络连接 能带来未来的机会吗.
  • 职业潜力 arises 为 those that meet or exceed expectations.

青年机遇敲门 meets entry level talent needs, fosters lower turnover in those hired long-term, and engages current employees in purposeful work.

  • 人才管道: 44% of interns over 18 year old are converted to long term employees.
  • 员工敬业度: 57% of supervisors and mentors reported increased engagement on the job.
  • 员工发展: 93% 主管和导师中有97%的人表示他们的指导能力有所提高,并且建议他们参与其中.
  • 人才的多样性 is enhanced by purposeful outreach in broader communities.
  • 人才的吸引力 随着人们更喜欢为对个人和社区产生影响的公司工作而增加.
  • 善意 is generated with customers and communities. 



"I think this is the best program I have ever heard of. 他们应该成为这个项目的一部分,因为它可以改变很多人的生活,就像它改变了我一样."

- 鲁道夫,达拉斯,德克萨斯州


"I used to only think about the present; now I think about the future and know there are options out there 为 me."



"I refer to this program as a 'stepping stone to success.' I used to be more of a follower, but now I see myself as a leader."



“我在这里学到了很多东西,比如责任、时机和与人沟通. My experience has prepared me better, 为 my future."



"我已经成熟了. 我已经从男孩变成了年轻人. I'm more professional; it has affected my overall outlook on life."






"Our intern was so shy and quiet when she arrived. 现在她喜欢和团队开玩笑,甚至在接待员的午餐休息时间负责前台和电话. It's been incredible seeing her gain so much confidence!"




- 珍娜,波士顿,马萨诸塞州


“作为一个年轻人,我得到了一个意义深远的机会,这就是我们通过我们的项目提供的. 成为年轻人成功的一部分很有吸引力,在商业方面也很聪明. 后勤工作需要提高十大正规买球平台技能和批判性思维. 积极主动地培养十大正规买球平台人才对双方来说都是一种明确而富有同情心的胜利."

何塞Ubeda, Senior Vice President of Digital Solutions




Daniel Maggiano, District Sales Executive






稽查员 Shares Youth Program Template: 稽查员 issues a call to action sharing their 机会敲门 为 青年项目的最佳实践和模板的青年和年轻的成人实习有潜力的长期职业生涯. 2021年9月.


Feature in Harvard Business School Report

被学位解雇 稽查员被认为是哈佛商学院学习的一个聪明的榜样, 埃森哲(Accenture)和《十大正规赌博平台大全排行》(graduate of Life Report)探讨了学位通胀是如何导致错失机会、给公司造成损失的. 《十大正规买球平台》,第32页.


Feature in 空气为warders协会 Forward

The Power and Purpose of Logistics Can Keep Millennial Talent2018年冬季 空气为warders协会 FORWARD magazine Published exclusively 为 members of the 空气为warders协会.


这是候选人获得面试机会的主要途径 为 Youth internship program is through third party non-profit organizations. Those interested in providing program candidates can 在这里十大正规买球平台.

Youth program internships vary by location. For local program participation please 请直接与当地办事处联系.

If your business is interested in starting the 机会敲门 为 请填写下面的表格下载“盒子里的机会敲门”, a program playbook to get you started.
